1. Buffalo Bull Lodge:
The Blackfeet Tribe had seen a unmet need for the Blackfeet THPO, once housed in one of the oldest buildings on the reservation funding arose to construct a cultural center that meets the needs of our department. Not only does our office protect our culture and way of life, we highly promote it as well. The Buffalo Bull Lodge will provide space to the local ceremonialist to conduct their ceremonies, once complete we will have a grand opening for the public to view..
2. Two Medicine Road:
The Federal Highway Administration is reconstructing the existing roadway. 4.3 miles of this project lies within the Blackfeet reservation boundaries. Starting at junction 49 near Red Eagle Campground, continuing 4.3 miles to the Glacier National Park boundaries. A Cultural resource inventory will occur before any excavations or dirt-moving activities occur.
3. St Mary Canal Project:
St Mary canal diversion works- Dam replacement and fish modification project. The Bureau of Reclamation is proposing to replace the St Mary Diversion Dam, a site that is eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places. The dam has been in operation for over 100 years with only minor improvements, a complete replacement of the dam and headworks is needed to provide fish passage for the westcut Bull Trout which is an endangered species.
4.1890’s Blackfeet Dress Project:
This dress was determined to find its way home to the Blackfeet Reservation. Late last year a picture of the dress was delivered to ur office from one of the front Tribal office ladies. She had shared a conversation she had with a woman that was desperately trying to contact our office. We had just moved to a new location and our phone and internet was not set up yet. Debrah Hunter was a care taker of a woman who collected the dress years ago, she had it placed in a shadowbox which ultimately helped preserve the dress. The woman left the dress to Debrah after her passing, Debrah had no hesitations about getting the dress back home. This February we were fourtnate to have two of our ceremonial leaders personally drive the dress back home from Arizona The dress will be displayed once constructions is finished on the Buffalo Bull Lodge.

5. Digitization Project:
Digitization of paper records is taking place. We have received a small grant that allowed the office to digitize some of the paper records. We will be updating the web page with the records we have uploaded and hope to share with the public census records, old historic photos, Blackfoot history. We encourage the public to help us name any of the unnamed photographs or any historical knowledge.
6. Siyeh fiber Optic:
Siyeh and THPO will be continuing working on the installation of Fiber optic lines in the Browning areas. Summer of 2023 THPO and Siyeh conducted the Class III Archaeological survey of Flat Iron, Star School and Heart Butte (Badger Creek Rd). Surveys conducted will clear the route for the new fiber optic lines to be installed. During all ground disturbing activities a Tribal Cultural Specialist TCS will be on site inspecting for any below surface discoveries.
7. Forestry Project:
Forestry will be clearing Timber sales in Cut Bank Creek and Boulder Ridge area. A Survey of the area will be done prior to any removal of vegetation.
8. Stampede Park:
Construction will begin soon at Stampede Park with a multi-use walking path as well as improving the approach of the Rodeo grounds.
9. Chief Mountain Guardianship:
A Full-Time Position is being created that will preserve and protect areas on Chief Mountain.